3D visualiser
Swarvoski case study visuals showing rebrand work by Lippincott.
Software used
Cinema 4D / Octane render / DaVinci Resolve / Adobe illustrator
ACES colour management workflow was used throughout.
ACES colour management workflow was used throughout.
Following the supplied assets (illustrator logos and design layouts) together with the general layout of elements that would form the final composition, a conversation with the Creative Director took place to define the look and feel required.
I built the scene with elements to size; phones, tablets, stationery, bags, and boxes. The boxes were bespoke elements from the new brand, and I wanted to ensure the texture was realistic. I visited the nearest Swarvoski store, which had just received the new box design. I took some reference shots with my camera and used the images as a basis to build the material within Cinema 4D.
The supplied layouts and artworks were incorporated into my materials/textures and assigned to each object. Lighting and camera/lenses were adjusted with the compositions to achieve the initial renders. Some material and layout amends were followed by final approval and output from Octane to DaVinci Resolve with ACES colour management as final renders.